이유경 사진
수련교수회관 410호


□ 학력

연세대학교 교육학, 국어국문학 학사

서울대학교 교육학 석사 (교육심리 전공)

Michigan State University Ed Psych and Ed Tech 박사 (교육심리 전공)


□ 주요 경력

현, 숙명여자대학교 부교수

현, 숙명행복상담센터 센터장

현, 한국교육심리학회 홍보위원장 및 이사

2017 – 2019 Michigan State University 박사후연구원


□ 최근 주요 논문

Lee et al. (2024). Dweck's social-cognitive model of achievement motivation in science. Learning and Individual Differences, 110. Article 102410.

Lee et al. (2023). 대학생의 사회인지적 갈등조절 잠재프로파일과 유능감, 협동적·경쟁적 태도, 참여 간의 관계. 아시아교육연구, 24(4), 667-700.

이유경 외 (2022). 사회적 역량에 대한 협동학습의 효과: 메타분석. 교육학연구, 60(8), 61-97.

Lee et al. (2022). Profiles of reading mindset and self-efficacy: How are they related to achievement goals, engagement, and reading achievement? Educational Psychology, 42(8), 932-951.

이유경 외 (2022). 사회인지적 갈등조절 척도의 한국어판 타당화. 교육심리연구, 36(2), 129-152.

Lee et al., (2022). Co-development of adolescents’ cooperative and competitive attitudes: How it predicts mental health and academic achievement. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 32(2), 681-695.

Lee & Seo (2022). Cooperative and competitive attitudes during adolescence and their social and academic outcomes. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51, 792-804.

Lee et al., (2022). The multiplicative function of expectancy and value in predicting engineering students’ choice, persistence, and performance. Journal of Engineering Education, 111(3), 531-553.

Lee & Roseth (2022). A 2 x 2 model of sociocognitive conflict regulation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 99, 104269.

Lee, Y., & Ju, U. (2021). Joint trajectories of extrinsic motivation and competence beliefs: A parallel-process growth mixture modeling approach. Contemporary Educational Psychology.

Lee, Y., & Seo, E. (2020). Longitudinal relations between South Korean adolescents' academic self-efficacy and values in mathematics and English. British Journal of Educational Psychology.

Lee, Y., Cho, E., & Roseth, C. (2020). Interpersonal predictors and outcomes of motivational profiles in middle school language arts class. Learning and Individual Differences, 81, 101905.

Lee, Y., & Seo, E. (2019). Trajectories of implicit theories and their relations to scholastic aptitude: A mediational role of achievement goals. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 59, 101800.

Lee, Y., Wormington, S. V., Linnenbrink-Garcia, L., & Roseth, C. (2017). A short-term longitudinal study of stability and change in achievement goal profiles. Learning and Individual Differences, 55, 49-60.


□ 최근 주요 학술발표

Multimodal data-based assessment of communication skills in online learning environments. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Conference (2024, January).

Developmental patterns of achievement goals during adolescence and their relations to academic achievement and career maturity: Parallel-process latent growth modeling. Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI) Conference (2023, November).

Growth mindset teaching practices positively predict academic interest and achievement: A 6-year longitudinal study of low-achieving and typical-achieving adolescents. KEDI Conference (2023, November).

Exploring the possibility of science-inquiry competence assessment by ChatGPT-4: Comparisons with human evaluators. 한국교육학회 (2023, June).

Relationships matter: The role of teacher-student relationships in predicting engagement, achievement, and high school dropout. American Educational Research Association (AERA) (2023, April).

Achievement goal trajectories in school transition periods and their associations with mindsets and academic achievement. AERA (2023, April).

Profiles of reading self-efficacy and mindset: How are they related to engagement and reading achievement? (2020, April). AERA http://tinyurl.com/rs2nqko (Conference Canceled)

Short- and long-Term effects of participation in undergraduate science enrichment experiences on science career pursuits (2020, April). AERA http://tinyurl.com/to7kv7w (Conference Canceled)

Testing assumptions of Dweck’s social-cognitive model of achievement motivation in science: A latent interaction modeling study (2019, April). AERA Toronto, Canada.

Short-term and long-term trajectories of science college students’ achievement goals: Development and outcomes (2019, April). AERA Toronto, Canada.

Supporting intellectual conflicts: The interactive effects of perceived competence and social interdependence in peer learning (2018, April). AERA New York, NY.


□ 연구관심 분야

학습자 동기 변화의 매커니즘을 교육심리 및 사회심리학적 맥락에서 연구하며, 구체적인 연구키워드 및 프로젝트는 아래와 같음.

-다양한 학업 동기(예: 자기효능감, 성취목표, 가치)의 발달과 관련 요인

-Peer learning(협동학습의 원리와 효과, 동료 간 갈등조절/사회인지적 갈등조절)

-AI 기반 미래역량 평가와 학습체제 연구(한국연구재단 SSK지원사업)